January 5th – January 26th
Morning Prayer
We will have morning prayer during the full 21 days of fasting. It will be held every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 7 to 8 a.m. at both campuses.
encounter nights
What is 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting?
Well, it’s 21 days of dedicated time with God through prayer. Fasting is simply giving up something that you value for a period of time. Why would we do this? Well, it all deals with our flesh and spirit. As Christians, we aren’t perfect. We have our old sin nature and our spirit nature, which is led by God. They constantly are battling each other. Fasting helps to kill the sin nature and make us sensitive to God so that we can get hear his voice, receive his heart, and gain his perspective. We need that so that we can pray his will into our lives and into the world. You don’t need to fast the same thing the entire time. You can be creative, mix it up, and find what works for you. The important thing is to give God your heart.
We have a devotional booklet that will be a companion on this journey we’re about to take together. That way we are all in unity as we pray and are focused on what God wants to do in our lives together as a church this year. There are devotions for each week and sample prayers to help you during this time. We will also be releasing two devotional videos each week. Just to help you start the week right, the first video of each week will be released on Mondays. The Bible says that there is commanded blessing in unity. So, as a church, we will be unified in prayer so that we can receive the commanded blessing of God. You know, when God commands something it IS GOING TO HAPPEN!
On this page, you’ll find:
- A curated worship playlist by our team specifically for this time
- The devotional videos here and on our Facebook page
- A downloadable version of the Devotional Booklet
We hope that you are enriched, refreshed, and grow spiritually during this time. We have great anticipation that God is going to move in remarkable ways in your life. We are believing for prayers answered, miracles done, salvations, the prodigal coming home, signs and wonders revealed, a prophetic unction for your life, Divine direction, financial blessing and provision, and for you to be marked by the Presence of God. Will you pray with us? I hope you’ll join us for this incredible time together with God.